• EQS Cockpit
  • Whistleblowing
  • Insider Management
  • Policy manager
  • Investor Targeting
  • Disclosure
  • Webcast
  • Career

About us

EQS Group’s products are bundled in the cloud-based software EQS COCKPIT. This allows compliance processes for whistleblower protection and case handling, policy management and approval processes to be managed just as professionally as business partners, insider lists and reporting obligations.

In addition, EQS Group provides software to fulfill human rights due diligence requirements across corporate supply chains, ensure compliance with data privacy regulations like GDPR and EU AI Act, and support efficient ESG management and compliant sustainability reporting.

Listed companies also benefit from a global newswire, investor targeting and contact management, as well as IR websites and webcasts for efficient and secure investor communication.

EQS Group was founded in Munich in 2000. Today, the group employs around 550 professionals.

Our business is based on three megatrends:




Our Purpose

We at EQS Group believe that integrity and radical transparency create the most important corporate capital: TRUST
As pioneers in digitization of corporate workflows our true passion is to make Investor Relations, Communications and Corporate Compliance Officers better at building trust.

Our Mission: Creating trusted companies

Our Vision

EQS Group is the leading
European cloud provider for Corporate Compliance & global Investor Relations solutions

The EQS Group Managing Directors

EQS Group CEO Achim Weick

Achim Weick

EQS Group CFO André S. Marques

André S. Marques

EQS Group COO Christian Pfleger

Christian Pfleger

EQS Group CRO Marcus Sultzer

Marcus Sultzer

Anka Lappoehn

Kontaktbild Juan Galan Martinez CTO | EQS Group

Juan Antonio Galan Martinez

Our expertise

Taking Advantage of Digital Possibilities

Digitization continues to progress. Our customers from all over the world are looking for efficient, integrated communications solutions that cover all the publication, disclosure, and documentation requirements, while also enabling active communication with global investors and other stakeholders.

When we started in 2000, the internet was in its early stages. Even then, we realized that working digitally and using a secure cloud environment was the future. That’s why our workflow software, EQS IR COCKPIT, has been cloud-based from day one.

Now, we’re taking another step forward. After two years of intensive development, we launched the EQS IR COCKPIT, a cutting-edge cloud-based platform that addresses publication, disclosure, and documentation requirements through integrated workflows.

We’re At Home in Regulated Markets

A sharp increase in regulations has resulted in stricter guidelines for capital markets and companies. As a stock-listed company, we understand the needs and target audiences of our clients. By working actively with professional associations in the most important financial markets, and through close cooperation with domestic and international financial institutions, we are always informed on the newest trends and developments.

The EQS IR COCKPIT allows the fulfillment of regulatory requirements within one platform, making the process of disclosure as simple as possible. Thanks to the EQS IR COCKPIT’s intuitive workflow design, reminders, and various intelligence tools, clients can comfortably deal with regulations and rely on close to 20 years of our industry expertise.

On-Site in the Most Important Capital Markets

To fully understand and serve our client’s needs and to remain abreast of varying local requirements, we have around 500 team members around the world, allowing us to be on-site for our clients and present in the biggest capital markets.

We are the undisputed market leader for digital investor relations in the German-speaking market (DACH). Today, all DAX40 companies use the EQS IR COCKPIT. To serve the European market, we have subsidiaries in London, Paris, and Zurich, as well as sales representatives in Italy, Spain, the Benelux Union, and Scandinavia.

Our global investor and media network is supported by our key pillars in New York City and Hong Kong.

Our international and multicultural teams work closely together to make sure that we best serve our clients with our global know-how and great technology, which is developed in our two technology centers located in Munich, Germany and Kochi, India.

At the end of the day, we act locally but think globally.

Our network

EQS Group is convinced that value orientation should be a central component of business and society. With our software, we want to support companies and organisations in upholding and complying with ethical standards and laws. We cooperate with experts, are involved in numerous networks and, as an active member in various associations, we also deepen our knowledge on the topics of whistleblower protection, compliance, business ethics as well as data protection and remain in constant exchange. Among other things, we support NGOs through selected memberships, sponsorships and honorary positions – nationally and internationally.




Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit (ACS)
Making the German economy more cyber-secure and resilient in the fight against cyber-attacks – this is the idea behind the Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit (ACS). Germany’s largest private-public partnership for IT security was launched in 2012 by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and Bitkom. With the Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit, the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) is pursuing the goal of strengthening Germany’s resilience to cyber attacks. The network’s numerous programmes (including Cyber Security Days, Cyber Security Web Talk, experience and expert groups) are constantly being developed.

Berufsverband der Compliance Manager (BCM)
Berufsverband der Compliance Manager (BCM) (Professional Association of Compliance Managers (BCM) develops a mission statement for the profession and contributes to its professionalisation and qualification. The members are in-house compliance managers from companies, associations and other organisations who are personally and voluntarily involved in the association.

Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)
The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) is the world’s leading organization dedicated to defining and raising awareness of best practices to help ensure a secure cloud computing environment. CSA harnesses the subject matter expertise of industry practitioners, associations, governments, and its corporate and individual members to offer cloud security-specific research, education, certification, events and products. CSA’s activities, knowledge and extensive network benefit the entire community impacted by cloud — from providers and customers, to governments, entrepreneurs and the assurance industry — and provide a forum through which diverse parties can work together to create and maintain a trusted cloud ecosystem.

DATEV eG is the software house and IT service provider for tax consultants, auditors and lawyers as well as their mostly medium-sized clients. The range of services extends from more than 200 PC programs to cloud services such as online applications, data processing and archiving in the data center.

Deutsches Institut für Interne Revision e.V.
The Deutsche Institut für Interne Revision e.V. (DIIR) (German Institute for Internal Revision – DIIR) was founded in 1958. This charitable institution aims to promote and further develop internal revision measures in Germany. It supports specialists and managers responsible for assessment and consultation activities in their day-to-day work.

Deutsches Netzwerk Wirtschaftsethik – EBEN Deutschland e. V.
The Deutsche Netzwerk Wirtschaftsethik – EBEN Deutschland e.V. (German Network for Business Ethics) was founded as a national branch of the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) in May 1993 and works to promote an interdisciplinary dialogue on questions related to business and corporate ethics. The dnwe aims to promote the exchange of thoughts and ideas related to ethical questions in business.

Investor-Relations-Verband (DIRK) 
DIRK – Deutscher Investor Relations Verband (German Investor Relations Association) is the largest European professional association for the connection between companies and capital markets. It represents around 90 % of the listed capital in Germany. The association promotes the profession of investor relations, among other things through extensive training and further education opportunities.

Deutsches Institut für Compliance e.V. (DICO) 
The Deutsche Institut für Compliance e.V. (DICO) (German Institute for Compliance – DICO) was founded in Berlin, Germany, in 2012 by compliance experts from notable companies. The aim of this independent association is to establish compliance standards as an important part of good business practice, and to further develop the job profile of the compliance officer.

Gesellschaft für Datenschutz und Datensicherheit e.V. (GDD) 
The Gesellschaft für Datenschutz und Datensicherheit e.V. (GDD) (German Association for Data Protection and Data Security – GDD) was founded in 1977. The association advises and supports offices that handle data – in particular those tasked with data protection operations – in solving and implementing the various legal, technical, and organisational demands connected with data protection and data security.

Security Network Munich
Originally funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs,Security Network Munich is today a non-profit association of the most important 100 cyber security-related companies and research institutions in the Greater Munich area. As Europe’s leading expert network for information security, it operates as a platform of excellence to foster cooperation, dialogue and innovation in the field of information and cyber security.

Transparency International Deutschland 
Transparency International e.V. (TI) and its German representative Transparency International Deutschland e.V. were found by Dr Peter Eigen in Berlin, Germany, in 1993. TI is a charitable NGO which aims to bring together figures from politics, economics, and civil society in order to create transparency and fight corruption.

UN Global Compact Network Germany
The UN Global Compact Network Germany brings together the German signatories of the UN Global Compact from business, civil society, academia and the public sector. Reaffirming our commitment to greater sustainability and the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles is especially important to us against the backdrop of current global challenges. For this reason, we are a member of the UN Global Compact Network Germany.


Ethics & Compliance Switzerland 
Ethics and Compliance Switzerland (ECS) is an independent not-for-profit organization that was founded in 2014 in Berne, Switzerland. ECS promotes the development of a compliance community across all sectors and organizations in Switzerland and the establishment and sharing of compliance best practices.

Verein Investora  Zürich
Verein Investora Zürich promotes the relationships of smaller and medium-sized listed companies with asset managers, fund managers, pension funds, family offices and qualified investors. The office is located at Dynamics Group in Zurich. The Investora capital market conference is held annually.

Transparency Schweiz 
Transparency Schweiz fights corruption in Switzerland and in the business relations of Swiss actors with foreign countries. Transparency Switzerland forms the Swiss section of the global movement Transparency International and has the goal of a Switzerland of integrity in which society does not tolerate corruption in any form.

IR Club Schweiz 
IR Club Schweiz was founded in Zurich in 1992 under the name Swiss Investor Relations Association (SIRV) with the aim of promoting the concerns of the investor relations profession as a voluntary interest group of listed companies.


Cercle Investor Relations Austria (CIRA)
The Cercle Investor Relations Austria (CIRA) is the interest group for investor relations in Austria and comprises companies, investors and all persons interested in the capital market. The Cercle Investor Relations Austria (CIRA) was founded in 1992 as a voluntary interest group and representation of listed companies. CIRA is anchored in the umbrella organisation of the International Investor Relations Federation (IIRF). Its members are primarily made up of those responsible for investor relations at companies, as well as CFOs and CEOs.


AHK Spain
With around 1100 members and a presence in Spain since 1917, AHK Spain has a well-functioning network and is the most important contact for all aspects of German-Spanish economic relations. AHK Spain represents the interests of its member companies. As a modern consulting firm, it supports the market interests of German and Spanish companies with market-oriented, customer-focused services.

ASCOM is the first compliance professional association of its kind in Spain, founded in May 2014 out of the need to create a common space for compliance professionals in Spain. ASCOM is aimed at compliance professionals from all sectors of the economy and all types of organisations.

Cumplen is the non-profit professional organisation that has been promoting, since 2014, the development, professionalisation, implementation of best practices and the pursuit of excellence in Regulatory Compliance. Its objective is to create a true culture of regulatory compliance within public and private organisations, to give it visibility and provide it with an appropriate professional framework.

The World Compliance Association (WCA) is an international association of professionals and organizations interested in compliance. With a presence in more than 14 countries, its objectives are to promote and give recognition to the compliance activities of all types of organizations.


Le Cercle de la Compliance
Le Cercle de la Compliance was founded in 2011 by a small group of French compliance experts. The aim is to strengthen the importance of compliance in France and contribute to the development of a market practice for important French and international compliance issues. Its key issues range from anti-corruption, anti-competitive practices, international trade sanctions to export controls.


Deutsch-Italienische Handelskammer (AHK Italien)
The Italo-German Chamber of Commerce (AHK Italien) is an association of companies that acts on behalf of the German Ministry of Economy and Climate (BMWK) to promote economic relations between Italian and German companies. Active since 1921, it brings together large German groups, small and medium-sized Italian companies, subsidiaries of multinationals and individual entrepreneurs.

AIIA, Italian Association of Internal Auditors, is a non-profit association founded in 1972 as the Italian offshoot of the IIA, Institute of Internal Auditors, to improve the governance, risk management and control systems of organisations by enhancing the internal audit function.

ANRA, National Association of Risk Managers, brings together risk managers and corporate insurance managers in Italy since 1972. It is the reference point in Italy for spreading a positive business culture through risk management and insurance management.

Partner24Ore is an exclusive network, created by the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, aimed at professionals to improve their skills, expand the range of consulting services to offer to their customers, cultivate relationships and consolidate their positioning on the market.

Risk & Compliance
Risk & Compliance Platform Europe is an open and independent European portal dedicated to business professionals and C-levels in the areas of risk, compliance, audit, payments, fintech, integrity and governance in the banking and finance, PA and enterprise sectors, operating in the technology, pharmaceutical, healthcare, food and beverage, energy and automotive industries.