We ourselves attach great importance to a corporate culture of integrity and sustainability. We are guided by our five core values:

  • Trust,
  • Transparency,
  • Team Spirit,
  • Passion,
  • and Ownership.


The key to our success also lies in our future orientation which manifests itself in our responsibility towards our environment and society. That is why we are committed to high environmental and social standards in our company and within our supply chain.

In summary: Sustainability is the core of our business model and at the same time, an integral part of our entrepreneurial actions. 

In our sustainability strategy, we are guided by the ESG breakdown: Environment, Social, Governance. In the following, we provide a summary of the measures we implement in the respective areas.

As a software provider in the field of Governance and Corporate Compliance, it is our duty to be a role model for sustainable business. We must not rest on the positive impact of our products. I have therefore made it my task to develop EQS Group into a model company in our industry in the areas of the environment and social issues.

Achim Weick, CEO –
EQS Group AG

Environment – Our commitment to the environment

Environmental protection is of great importance to us. Therefore, we are constantly improving our existing resourceful and sustainable processes in our company.

At our locations, we are paying attention to resource conservation and circularity. There is a particular focus on preventing use of plastic and reduce waste generation. At our Munich headquarters, for example, we offer our employees reusable containers to minimize the amount of packaging material used for takeaway meals during lunch breaks. In addition, we support projects in disaster, environmental and species protection both financially and through corporate volunteering by our employees. During the Ahr Valley flood disaster in the summer of 2021, we were able to donate to an aid organisation for the purchase of needed equipment. Our employees have participated, among other activities, in CleanUp campaigns as volunteers in Munich and Kochi and planted trees on a Berlin hospital site.

We already use green electricity from renewable sources at our main locations in Germany. This also applies to most of the data centers where we operate our products for our customers. We also contribute to minimizing our carbon footprint by encouraging our employees to use bicycles or public transport for their daily commute, while air travel and cars are only permitted for business trips in exceptional circumstances. In 2024, we have committed to develop Net-Zero Targets in line with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

For the third year in a row, we voluntarily accounted for our greenhouse gas emissions (GHG report): In 2023, we emitted 735 tonnes of CO2 equivalents (CO2e) during our business activities, resulting in an emissions intensity of 1.31 CO2e tonnes per employee. All three Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol emission scopes (Scopes 1, 2 and 3) were taken into account. The calculation follows the standards of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and DIN EN ISO 14064:2019 and was audited by TÜV Rheinland. In the future, we will continue to provide transparent information on our GHG emissions on an annual basis.

ESG Environment Icon

Social – Our commitment to our employees, partners and society


With our Code of Conduct, we are committed to maintaining high social and ethical standards. We place great value on diversity and we are proud of our multinational teams. We are convinced that success and a good working atmosphere come from respectful and trust-based teamwork. In addition, our values promote a working environment characterised by equal opportunities for all employees. We live these values every day with the help of our ten principles for successful cooperation and thus achieve a high level of employee satisfaction (3.97 stars out of 5 in the 2023 employee survey).

We also expect our business partners to implement the same high social standards and oblige them to comply with them through our Business Partner Code of Conduct. In the joint code of conduct, we pass on our high standards in connection with human rights, fair working conditions and anti-corruption to our business partners.

Outside of our company, we are involved in areas of anti-corruption and IT education for women. As part of our corporate volunteering activities, our employees participate in social activities, for example in a mission at a Munich retirement home for visually impaired and blind people, by taking part in a 30-kilometer run to support two social causes, by sorting donations for refugees from Ukraine, and by working for aid organizations that distribute food discarded by retailers to people affected by poverty.

Governance – Experts for good corporate governance for more than 20 years

With our products, we have been supporting companies and organisations in maintaining and complying with ethical standards and laws for more than 20 years. In this way, we help to prevent unacceptable actions and uncover abuses.

However, sustainability is also firmly anchored in our corporate culture and in all areas of corporate management. Sustainability is a top priority at EQS Group, which means that our CEO is responsible for the strategy, communication and the management of the topics. Our company guidelines, commitments and principles are transparent for everyone and are both actively communicated and demanded by the CEO. We live these clear guidelines with our managers, employees, suppliers, partners and shareholders.

We cultivate responsible corporate governance and therefore support any further development of the German Corporate Governance Code that contributes to increasing the transparency of corporate processes and strengthening investor confidence.

As an active member of various professional associations, e.g., the German Institute for Compliance (DICO), the Professional Association of Compliance Managers (BCM) and Le Cercle de la Compliance in France, we deepen our knowledge of anti-corruption, compliance, business ethics and data protection while passing on our know-how in the form of expert lectures.

ESG Governance Icon

Compliance @ EQS Group

As one of the leading European providers of compliance software, the topic of compliance is firmly anchored in our corporate DNA. Our Code of Conduct forms the basis for our shared values and behaviours. In addition, we live a speak-up and listen-up culture where the open and early addressing of grievances is encouraged and acts as a form of preventative risk management. Our employees can anonymously report grievances through our internal whistleblowing system EQS Ethics Line.

Our participation in the UN Global Compact

A sustainable environment and society can only be achieved if many individual actors pull together. EQS Group AG also wants to assume global responsibility and is therefore committed to the ten principles of the UN Global Compact. We are therefore part of the world’s largest initiative for responsible corporate governance and we contribute to a fairer and more sustainable global economy.

The UN Global Compact was founded in 1999 on the initiative of then Secretary General Kofi Annan. It defines a common system of values for companies and interest groups that want to strategically anchor sustainability issues. The focus is on ten principles in the areas of human rights, working conditions and anti-corruption. More than 17,000 companies across the world are already part of the voluntary initiative.

In 2023, the UN Global Compact Network Germany was founded, bringing together the German signatories of the UN Global Compact from business, civil society, science and the public sector. By becoming a member of the association, EQS Group AG underscores its commitment to greater sustainability and the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact.

UN GLobal Compact - Endorser Logo

Our commitment to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations include 17 concrete targets as a compass for a more just and sustainable future. In addition to politics and civil society, business is also called to act. We are committed to the UN goals and in particular, make an active contribution to five SDGs through our business.


Sustainable Development Goals in the EQS Group focus:


Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls

Contribution of EQS Group AG

  • Conviction to treat all employees equally regardless of gender, age and sexual orientation. Anchored in the EQS Group Code of Conduct
  • Commitment to avoid discrimination through participation in the UN Global Compact
  • Equal rights for women at all corporate levels
  • Current percentage of women at EQS Group is above the industry norm in the IT sector
  • Observance of gender equality in our recruitment measures
  • Gender equality and a non-discriminatory working environment are anchored in the EQS Business Partner Code of Conduct

For more information, see Social – Our commitment to our employees, partners and society

Promote lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Contribution of EQS Group AG

  • Establishment of EQS Values as well as EQS Working Principles, among others, in the EQS Group Code of Conduct
  • Promoting business success as well as respectful and trusting teamwork through positive corporate culture
  • Achievement of corporate goals through international, high-performance teams in an appreciative environment
  • Numerous company benefits for EQS employees (pension plan, salary optimization, mental health coach, opportunities for training and development)
  • Possibilities for balancing private and professional life (flexible working hours, part-time models, mobile working)
  • Demanding compliance with social standards also from our business partners through EQS Business Partner Code of Conduct
  • Strict rejection of child, forced or compulsory labor as well as other practices that violate human rights, among other things by committing to the ten principles of the UN Global Compact
  • Ensuring sustainable corporate growth through responsible corporate governance and targeted product developments
  • Ensuring product quality through external IT security and data protection certifications
  • Highest priority for product safety (long-term added value for customers ensures success of EQS Group AG)

For more information, see Social – Our commitment to our employees, partners and society

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Contribution of EQS Group AG

  • Raising employee awareness of resource-conserving use of energy, water and resources in general
  • Measures to reduce and avoid waste or recycling
  • Purchasing regional and sustainable products (including office supplies)

For more information, see Environment – Our commitment to the environment

Take immediate action to combat climate change and its effects

Contribution of EQS Group AG

  • Anchoring of environmental protection in the internal EQS Group Code of Conduct as well as for our business partners in the EQS Business Partner Code of Conduct
  • Minimize travel for customers by leveraging our digital products such as video and audio webcasts and virtual general meetings
  • Reduction of paper consumption through our financial reporting products (online annual reports and digital filing of financial statements) instead of in paper form
  • Calculation of CO2e emissions from our business activities
  • Use of green electricity at our sites (where possible)
  • Resource-conserving actions in everyday work and promotion of sustainable commuting
  • Waiver of company car and national flights

For more information, see Environment – Our commitment to the environment

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels

Contribution of EQS Group AG

  • Anchoring measures to combat corruption and bribery in our EQS Group Code of Conduct as well as for our business partners in the EQS Business Partner Code of Conduct
  • Prompt integration of current legal framework conditions into our internal rules and regulations
  • Providing software products for companies, organizations and government agencies to combat wrongdoing through internal reporting such as EQS Integrity Line

For more information, see Compliance @ EQS Group and Governance – Experts in good corporate governance for over 20 years.

Sustainability reporting

For the third time in a row, EQS Group AG has prepared its comprehensive sustainability report, which you can view below for the year 2023. The content of the sustainability report follows the GRI standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). We want to inform our stakeholders transparently about key areas of action, measures, targets and key figures.

Our sustainability reports:

EcoVadis rating

In the internationally recognized EcoVadis assessment, EQS Group achieved a score of 69 out of a possible 100 points. This score places EQS Group in the top 2% of companies within our industry. In the categories of “Environment” and “Sustainable Procurement”, EQS Group ranks among the top 6% of companies. For “Labour and Human Rights”, EQS Group is positioned in the top 8%, and in the realm of “Ethics”, we are among the top 18% of companies in our industry. In comparison with other companies, EQS Group AG ranks at the 92nd percentile, which means its score is higher than or equal to the score of 92 percent of all companies rated by EcoVadis.

According to EcoVadis, EQS Group has a structured and proactive sustainability approach, policies and tangible actions on major sustainability issues with detailed implementation as well as significant sustainability reporting on actions and Key Performance Indicators.

For these results, EQS Group has been awarded a silver medal in this rating.

EthiFinance Rating

In the latest EthiFinance 2023 ESG Performance Rating, based on data for the year 2022, EQS Group received a rating of 55/100 points. The result exceeds the value of the benchmark and shows an improvement in all evaluated categories. For EQS Group this means an overall increase of 9 points compared to the previous year (46/100 points, as due to an adjustment of the calculation basis also past ratings were adjusted retroactively). EQS Group’s continuous and intensified efforts in relation to sustainability issues are thus clearly reflected in the result.

This non-financial rating assesses the degree of transparency and the performance of companies in relation to environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria as well as in relation to external stakeholders. Founded in 2004, EthiFinance is an independent French player in financial and non-financial rating, research and consulting. The rating agency is specialised in assessing the ESG performance of companies listed on European markets.

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