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Possible Reporting Channels

Central Reporting Channel

Bundesamt für Justiz
Adenauerallee 99 – 103
53113 Bonn

Telephone: +49 228 99 410-40

To the website


Additional Reporting Channels

Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)
In particular, for reports covered by Section 4d of the Financial Services Supervision Act, including reports concerning provisions of the Securities Acquisition and Takeover Act.

Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht
Graurheindorfer Straße 108
53117 Bonn

E-Mail: hinweisgeberstelle@bafin.de

To the reporting system 

Telephone: +49 228 / 4108 – 2355

To the Website


Responsible for reporting information on violations under § 2 paragraph 1 number 8. § 7 paragraph 1 sentence 2 HinSchG.

Kaiser-Friedrich-Str. 16
53113 Bonn

To the reporting system

Telephone: +49 228 9499 386

To the Website

Central Reporting Channel

Bundesamt zur Korruptionsprävention und Korruptionsbekämpfung

Bundesministerium für Inneres
Herrengasse 7
1010 Wien

E-Mail: BMI-III-BAK-SPOC@bak.gv.at

Telephone: + 43 1 53 126-906800
To the Website


Additional Reporting Channels

Abschlussprüferaufsichtsbehörde (APAB): Whistleblower-Service

Bilanzbuchhaltungsbehörde: Das Hinweisgebersystem der Bilanzbuchhaltungsbehörde – WKO.at

Bundeswettbewerbsbehörde: Whistleblower werden: BWB Bundeswettbewerbsbehörde

Finanzmarktaufsichtsbehörde: Einführung (bkms-system.net)

Geldwäschemeldestelle: Meldestellen (bundeskriminalamt.at)

Notariatskammern: ihr-notariat.at

Rechtsanwaltskammern: Österreichischer Rechtsanwaltskammertag – rechtsanwaelte.at

Kammer der Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer: KSW – Home

Central Reporting Channel

Datatilsynet Whistleblowerordningen

Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
2500 Valby

Telephone: +45 33 19 32 02

E-Mail: wb@datatilsynet.dk

To the Website

Additional Reporting Channel

In addition to the Danish Data Protection Authority’s external whistleblower scheme, there are a number of other internal and external whistleblower schemes that may be relevant.

You can read about them here.

Central Reporting Channel

Défenseur des droits

Par courrier :
Défenseur des droits
Libre réponse 71120
75342 PARIS CEDEX 07

To the website

Central Reporting Channel

No Central Reporting Channel has been established yet.

Additional Reporting Channels



Central Reporting Channel


Telephone: 08-657 61 00
E-Mail: imy@imy.se

Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten, Box 8114, 104 20 Stockholm

To the Website

Additional Reporting Channel

List of authorities with responsibility according to area of responsibility according to regulation 2021:949

On this page you will find a list of all authorities and their responsibilities in the event of whistleblowing.

Central Reporting Channel

The report can be submitted in writing or orally and must contain the information on the reporting person, the legal or natural person the report pertains to, as well as the irregularities cited in the report.

Written reports can be sent by post or submitted in person to the address Savska cesta 41/3, 10 000 Zagreb or e-mailed to info@ombudsman.hr.

We suggest the use of this form for written complaint submissions.

Irregularities can be reported orally by calling the telephone numbers 01 4851 855 or 01 4851 853 or, at the reporting person’s express request, personally, at the Ombudswoman’s office in Savska cesta 41, Zagreb. In the latter case, the Office’s designated staff must set up the meeting with the reporting person within a reasonable time frame.

Notice: Oral reports submitted via telephone will not be recorded. Instead, a written record of the telephone call will be made. The reporting person has the right to subsequently review the record and correct any errors as well as to confirm its accuracy by signing it.

To the Website

Central Reporting Channel

The Ministry of Justice provides an external reporting channel for all reporting persons available here.

Central Reporting Channel

The Central Bank of Ireland (the Central Bank) is a prescribed person for the purpose of receiving protected disclosures under the Protected Disclosures Act 2014. In addition, the Central Bank is designated to receive protected disclosures under Part 5 of the Central Bank (Supervision and Enforcement) Act 2013.

To the Website

Additional Reporting Channel

The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform signed the Protected Disclosures Act 2014 (Disclosure to Prescribed Persons) Order 2020 in September 2020.

To the Website 

Central Reporting Channel

The contact point of the whistleblowers is The State Chancellery.

Contact point for alerting customs at the State Chancellery

Submission of whistleblower reports, identification of relevant competent institutions

Asnate Sikorska
Room 105, 36, Br?v?bas Boulevard, Riga
Tel.: 67082837
E-mail: trauksme@mk.gov.lv

Methodological support and protection of the rights of whistleblowers

Inese Kuš?e
Tel: 67082910
E-mail: Inese.Kuske@mk.gov.lv

To the Website

Additional Reporting Channel

To the Website

Central Reporting Channel

The National Anti-Corruption Mechanism shall be responsible for processing the administrative offences and for imposing the corresponding fines.

No reporting channel has been established yet.

Supervisory entities with external channels:

Competition Authority

Bank of Portugal

Securities Market Commission

Supervisory entities without external channels:

Insurance Supervisory Authority 

Data Protection Authority 

Central Reporting Channel


T: 088 – 133 10 00 (algemeen nummer)
E-mail: contact@huisvoorklokkenluiders.nl

You can also visit here with questions about the availability of public information..

Visiting address

Muzenstraat 89-91
2511 WB Den Haag

Postal address

Postbus 85680, 2508 CJ Den Haag

Central Reporting Channel

Federal Ombudsman
Rue de Louvain 48 letter box 6
1000 Brussels

Email: integrity@federalombudsman.be
phone:+32 (0)2 289 27 04

To the Website

Central Reporting Channel

The Office of the Chancellor of Justice acts as a centralised external reporting channel for whistleblower protection.

Office of the Chancellor of Justice

Street Address
Snellmaninkatu 1, Helsinki

Postal Address
P.O. Box 20, 00023 Government, Finland

+358 (0)295 162 902 (registry)


To the Website

No Reporting Channels have been established yet.

No Reporting Channels have been established yet.

No Reporting Channels have been established yet.

No Reporting Channels have been established yet.

Central Reporting Channel

Act XXV of 2023 on complaints, whistleblowing and rules related to whistleblowing (the Hungarian Act). The Hungarian Act entered into force on 24 July 2023.

Corruptionprevention (gov.hu)

Az Alapvető Jogok Biztosának Hivatala
Postacím: 1387 Budapest Pf. 40.
Telefon: (06-1) 475-7100
E-mail cím: panasz@ajbh.hu
AJBH Panasziroda: 1055 Budapest V., Falk Miksa u. 9-11.
Web: www.ajbh.hu

Nemzeti Védelmi Szolgálat.
Postacím: 1391 Pf.: 239.
Telefon: (06-80) 200-974 / (06-1) 433-9722
E-mail cím: nvsz@nvsz.hu
Web: http://www.nvsz.hu

Central Reporting Channel

Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione (ANAC)
Vai al sito!

No Reporting Channels have been established yet.

Central Reporting Channel

1° La Commission de surveillance du secteur financier ;
2° Le Commissariat aux assurances ;
3° L’autorité de la concurrence ;
4° L’Administration de l’enregistrement, des domaines et de la TVA ;
5° L’Inspection du travail et des mines ;
6° La Commission nationale pour la protection des données ;
7° Le Centre pour l’égalité de traitement ;
8° Le Médiateur dans le cadre de sa mission de contrôle externe des lieux où se trouvent des personnes
privées de liberté ;
9° L’Ombudsman fir Kanner a Jugendlecher ;
10° L’Institut luxembourgeois de régulation ;
11° L’Autorité luxembourgeoise indépendante de l’audiovisuel ;
12° L’Ordre des avocats du Barreau de Luxembourg et l’Ordre des avocats du Barreau de Diekirch ;
A 232 – 6
JOURNAL OFFICIEL du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg MÉMORIAL A – 232 du 17 mai 2023
13° La Chambre des notaires ;
14° Le Collège médical ;
15° L’Administration de la nature et des forêts ;
16° L’Administration de la gestion de l’eau ;
17° L’Administration de la navigation aérienne ;
18° Le Service national du Médiateur de la consommation ;
19° L’Ordre des architectes et des ingénieurs-conseils ;
20° L’Ordre des experts-comptables ;
21° L’Institut des réviseurs d’entreprises ;
22° L’Administration des contributions directes.

No Reporting Channels have been established yet.

No Reporting Channels have been established yet.

No Reporting Channels have been established yet.

No Reporting Channels have been established yet.

Central Reporting Channel

Whistleblowers can also submit an external report directly to the competent authorities if there is no internal reporting channel, if an internal report could not be processed effectively or if the whistleblower believes that there is a risk of retaliation in the event of an internal report.

Online tool: eUprava – Prijava zaščitenega prijavitelja glede kršitve predpisov v delovnem okolju (gov.si)

The notification is then forwarded to the competent authorities listed below.

Alternatively, the relevant Commission for the Prevention of Corruption will also take over the case (kpk-rs.si).

Additional Reporting Channels

An external notification can also be submitted via eGovernment. The following authorities, each in their own working area, process the notification:

1. Agencija za komunikacijska omrežja in storitve Republike Slovenije,
2. Agencija za trg vrednostnih papirjev,
3. Javna agencija Republike Slovenije za varstvo konkurence,
4. Javna agencija Republike Slovenije za varnost prometa,
5. Agencija za zavarovalni nadzor,
6. Agencija za javni nadzor nad revidiranjem,
7. Banka Slovenije,
8. Državna revizijska komisija za revizijo postopkov oddaje javnih naročil,
9. Finančna uprava Republike Slovenije,
10. Tržni inšpektorat Republike Slovenije,
11. Urad Republike Slovenije za preprečevanje pranja denarja,
12. Informacijski pooblaščenec,
13. Inšpekcija za informacijsko varnost,
14. Inšpekcija za sevalno in jedrsko varnost,
15. Inšpekcija za varstvo pred sevanji,
16. Inšpekcija za varno hrano, veterinarstvo in varstvo rastlin,
17. Inšpektorat Republike Slovenije za delo,
18. Inšpektorat za javni sektor,
19. Inšpektorat za okolje in energijo,
20. Inšpektorat za naravne vire in prostor,
21. Javna agencija Republike Slovenije za zdravila in medicinske pripomočke,
22. Ministrstvo za kohezijo in regionalni razvoj,
23. Zdravstveni inšpektorat Republike Slovenije,
24. Slovenski državni holding &
25. Komisija za preprečevanje korupcije.

If the content of the notification relates to the responsibilities of supervisory authorities that are not included in the above list, the notification must be addressed to the Anti-Corruption Commission.

Please open this external link for an overview of all data protection and privacy authorities: https://globalprivacyassembly.org/participation-in-the-assembly/members-online/

Please open this link for an overview of Whistleblowing Laws in the European Union: https://www.integrityline.com/expertise/white-paper/expert-guide-whistblowing-laws-eu/

Last updated on 26 June 2023